Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Maslow, 1908 - 1970; Psychologist.

Adam Smith


Albert Einstein

Alcuin of York

Alexis de Tocqueville

Alfonso X, the Wise, 1226 - 1284; King of Castile

Ambrose Bierce

Anatole France

Anaxagorus, c.a 475 BCE

Andre Gide

Annie Dillard


Armand Jean du PLessis Duc de Richelieu, 1585 - 1642; French cardinal and statesman

Arthur Schopenhauer

Barry L. Beyerstein

Ben Jonson, In his play "Every Man in His Humour", 1598

Benjamin D'Israeli, 1804 - 1881; Conservative Prime Minister of Britain.

Benjamin Franklin

Benny Hill, 1924 - 1992

Bertrand Russell


Cardinal Robert Bellarmino

Carl Sagan

Carl Sandburg

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, Napoleon's Foreign Minister

Condoleezza Rice

Courtney Love

Dan Barker, ex-preacher

David Kilcullen

David Korten

David Mitchell

Denis Diderot

Douglas Adams

Dr. Dave Barnhart, Christian Minister

Edward Burke

Edward R Murrow

Emo Phillips


Eric Hoffer, 1902 - 1983; The "Longshoreman Philosopher".

Erwin Schrödinger, Who's 'Cat' was meant as a criticism of the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Euripides, 480 or 485 BC - 406 BC; Greek poet

Ferdinand Magellan

Frank Zappa

Franz Bibfeldt

Fred Rogers, Popular U.S Childrens TV host known as Mr. Rogers

Frederick Douglass, Escaped slave

Galileo Galilei

Gene Roddenberry

George Bernard Shaw, 1856 - 1950

George Carlin

George Orwell

George Zabelka, Air Force Chaplain

Gertrude Scholtz-Klink

Giordano Bruno, 1548; Burned at the stake 1600

H. L. Mencken

Helder Camara, Assassinated Archbishop

Henry David Thoreau

Hermann Goering

Isaac Asimov

Isaac Newton

James Madison

James Thurber

Jean Paul Satre

John K. Galbraith

John Maynard Keynes, Economist

John Philpot Curran

John Stuart Mills

Jonathan Swift

Joseph Conrad

Joseph Heller

Joseph Henry Jackson

Karl Popper, Philosopher

Leon Tolstoy, 1897

Lord Acton

Lord Salisbury, 1830 - 1903; British prime minister

Louis D. Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Luther Burbank

Malcolm X


Margaret Mead

Margaret Thatcher

Mark Twain

Martin Luther, protestant reformist

Martin Luther King

Martin Niemoller, 1892 - 1984; Protestant Pastor

Mary Heaton Vorse

Maurice Isserman

Max Planck

Michel de Montaigne

Napoleon Bonaparte

Nathaniel Branden


Norman Birkett, Barrister, judge, politician and preacher who served as the alternate British judge during the Nuremberg Trials.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Orson Scott Card

PBS Public Service Anouncement

Peter Cook


Rabbi Israel Salanter, 1810 - 1883

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Richard Dawkins

Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the U.S.A (1969 - 1974)

Ruth Hurmence Green

Saint Basil of Caesarea, 4th Century

Samuel Adams

Science Magazine

Shawn Mikula

Sir Francis Bacon, 1561 - 1626


Stephen Roberts

Steve Allen

Steven Weinberg

Susan B. Anthony

Tacitus, Roman Historian

Thomas Hobbes, 1588 - 1679; Philosopher

Thomas Huxley

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine, 1737 - 1809

Timothy Jones


Upton Sinclair

Vladimir Nabokov


Voltairine de Cleyre, 1866 - 1912; American Anarchist.

Walt Whitman, 1819 - 1892

Whitney Young

William James

William Pitt, 1759 - 1806

Winston Churchill, 1874 - 1965

Yigal Amir, Assassin of Yitzak Rabin, Israeli PM